Today’s Vedomosti — interview with Osvald Zuegg, president of Zuegg Inc:
«На Калуге мы остановились, потому что, во-первых, не хотели выходить из московского пояса из-за нашего клиента, во-вторых — местный губернатор оказался быстрее всех. К тому же он облегчил нам многие вещи при реализации проекта.
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About a week ago I had a meeting with Paul Fisher, the world-known expert in direct investments. He said that Russia did not need limit itself with attraction of big multinational companies as investors. «In Europe», he pointed, «especially in Germany, there are many thousands of family businesses, which are sufficiently big and have undoubtedly better management than that corporate monsters. They are limited in growth by capacity of their traditional markets, but have not enough mobility to expand beyound it’s borders. If you help them just a little, they and their experience, reputation, technologies and most promising projects are yours.
As we can see, governor Artamonov is a one of them who understand it.